Mark Zukerberg, let the “market forces” control the Facebook friendships! (2)

Mark Zukerberg, let the “market forces” control the Facebook friendships! (2)

Simha Nyr, adv.
17.08.2013 11:56



If you are “not able” to cure the wrongs done by your people – just don’t do them!

למשתמשי פייסבוק, טוויטר ושאר הרשתות החברתיות –
נא לשתף!

תנו “לייק” לMark
Zukerberg, leave FB friendships to the free-market forces

Facebook, Tweeter & other social networks users
– please share!

Give “LIKE” to Mark Zukerberg,
leave FB friendships to the free-market forces


August, 2013

Dear Mr. Zukerberg,

Re: Blocking friendship requests (2)

About half a year ago I posted on your Facebook page the
letter annexed

My main complaint was about the
answer in the Q&A link, saying that
“If you’ve been blocked
by mistake, we won’t be able to end the block early …”.

Explaining my complaint I said that you may be grievously
mistaken, and that there is no wrong you can’t cure, if you just want.

You didn’t reply.

Since then it has happened to me at least twice, in spite
of my cautious and minimalistic sending friend requests.

Moreover, recently happened in my Facebook page something
that is STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, and I’ll explain it to you, if you return to
me in reply to this letter.

I’m sure that something wrong was done by some of your
people, behind your back. How do I know? It has a precedent: few years ago my
“lovers” in Israel made collusion with people of Google Israel to
drop my own website from the indices of Google.

No, it isn’t a paranoia. I have documented by those
“lovers”, and if you, or one of your people, can read Hebrew, I’ll
show you.

I repeat my humble request: leave the Facebook
friendships to the “market forces”, or, in other words: if
you are “not able” to cure the wrongs done by your people – just don’t
do them!


Simha Nyr


למשתמשי פייסבוק, טוויטר ושאר הרשתות החברתיות –
נא לשתף!

תנו “לייק” לMark
Zukerberg, leave FB friendships to the free-market forces

Facebook, Tweeter & other social networks users
– please share!

Give “LIKE” to Mark Zukerberg,
leave FB friendships to the free-market forces

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