מאמרים בקטגורייה: תold post
The choice we face
The choice we face Jeremy Ben-Ami, J Street 20.02.2010 04:53 so-called “boycott” by Danny Ayalon There is much beyond this controversy to share from the visit. We were struck by the disparity between the fierce urgency felt by many whose lives focus on solving the conflict and the lack of urgency felt by many others…
יהודי וערבי מוכרים את בתיהם בנצרת עלית, ישראל
קישור מקוצר למאמר הזה: https://www.quimka.net/43885 לא ידוע 19.04.2009 21:46 סיפור לא-פוליטי, לא גזעני, על דו-קיום בשלום, יהודי-ערבי שני חברים, ערבי ויהודי, החליטו לבנות את בתיהם (הזהים) בצמוד זה לזה, בנצרת עלית. שנים אחדות לאחר מכן הם פרסמו (בנפרד, אבל בתיאום זה עם זה) מודעות למכירת בתיהם, רק כדי לבחון את שווי נכסיהם.…
The People of Israel vs. the Judiciary: A Crisis of Confidence
The People of Israel vs. the Judiciary: A Crisis of Confidence Simha Nyr, Adv. 14.02.2010 23:31 Democracy with no Mirror The Israeli judges lose public trust, but they don’t want to look at the mirror *** They would like to have the public replaced, but, alas, in Israel there exists no alternative public. The Judiciary…
Tsipi Livni and Mahmoud Abbas Talk Peace
קישור מקוצר למאמר הזה: https://www.quimka.net/43879 Simha Nyr, adv. 12.08.2014 13:03 Dan Margalit asks for a “piece of heavy”, and John Kerry is stuck in traffic. Simha Nyr, Adv. Tsipi Livni and Mahmoud Abbas Talk Peace Docudrama A five act play © All rights reserved The Hebrew version ____________…
Drunk with arrogance
Drunk with arrogance Jonathan Rosenblum 19.02.2010 14:47 By consistently applying different rules to itself than to the other branches of government and attributing to itself superhuman powers of discernment and freedom from bias, the Court does more to damage its own image than a host of critics could ever do. Drunk with arroganceby Jonathan…
Remember Lebanon War I, remember Lebanon War II!
Remember Lebanon War I, remember Lebanon War II! Simha Nyr, adv. 22.08.2014 18:33 Lebanon War I started after shooting the Israeli ambassador to London Operation Protective Edge began like the First Lebanon War, and will end like the Second Lebanon War: not with a knockout, but only with a “victory by points”. How much will…
?Israeli Ambassador’s speech at UC Irvine – Should it have taken place
?Israeli Ambassador’s speech at UC Irvine – Should it have taken place .Simha Nyr, adv 22.02.2010 03:51 last resort is last resort It seems that the organizers of the event were aware of the probability the hostile audience would obstruct the show, but took unnecessary risk In category: Politics, vote here and for best overall…
Bibi Netanyahu, Show Leadership!
A short link to this article: https://www.quimka.net/43881 Simha Nyr, adv. 08.04.2015 22:56 weeks away An open letter by a compatriot Bibi Netanyahu, Show Leadership! An open letter by a compatriot Simha Nyr, adv. Shalom Bibi, In your address to the Congress, two weeks before the elections to the Knesset, you said: I deeply regret…
?Will Gil’ad Shalit come back home soon
?Will Gil’ad Shalit come back home soon Simha Nyr, Adv 23.02.2010 04:40 horse trade Starting with “We shall not negotiate with terrorists”, going on with “we shall not be deterred from paying painful prices” the freedom of Gil’ad Shalit is not yet at hand Gil’ad Shalit, an Israeli soldier, was taken captive by Hamas, in…
Bibi and Saraleh Netanyahu Sell a Used Car to the Iranian (Docudrama
Short link to this article: https://www.quimka.net/43882 Simha Nyr, Adv. 26.07.2015 11:35 Simha Nyr, Adv. Bibi and Saraleh Netanyahu Sell a Used Car to the Iranian Docudrama A four act play © All rights reserved ____________ On the docudrama: “Docudrama is an artistic genre that uses known figures as a basis for artistic work.…
“An Israeli Judge Sheds Crocodile Tears: “It is not the State I Want to Know
“An Israeli Judge Sheds Crocodile Tears: “It is not the State I Want to Know Simha Nyr, Adv. 25.02.2010 02:46 the prosecution said rega-rega* (Photo: court.gov.il) A judge who doesn’t want to contribute to the state he wants to know, should look for another state, instead of enjoying the pot of meat, and shedding crocodile…
Re: Justice Elyakim Rubinstein of Israel – a letter to The Federal Court of Justice, Germany
Short link to this article: https://www.quimka.net/43883 Simha Nyr, adv. 29.04.2017 01:37 a liar, a crook, a villain, a racist On 15.12.2016 I sent this letter to the Federal Court of Justice, Karlsruhe, Germany, with copies to both the Israeli Minister of Justice and Rubinstein himself *** All the addressees confirmed delivery *** Unfortunately, no…
In Israel there are no counties, no sheriffs
A short link to this article: https://www.quimka.net/43868 Simha Nyr, Adv. 26.02.2010 18:38 no such animal In Israel there is no “mezzanine” level of government between the state government and the municipalities, the “district” is not an entity, there is nothing similar to the American “county”, and there are no sheriffs, as well. The major…
The Chutzpah of Alan Dershowitz
Short address to this article: https://www.quimka.net/43884 Simha Nyr, adv. 10.06.2017 21:43 Dershowitz is an honourable man. He argues that “The U.N. shouldn’t be allowed to come close to the Israel-Palestine conflict”, but he himself, who is not an Israeli citizen, does exactly the same *** Neither he nor anyone of his family will pay…
Israeli humour
Israeli humour Compiled by Simha Nyr, Adv 27.02.2010 15:53 Some “samples”, not necessarily representative, of Israeli humour A small child to his friend: “my next-door neighbor has AIDS”. The other child asks: “what is ‘neighbor’?”. * * * A kibbutsnik (a member of a kibbuts, a collective farm) comes to the big city, first time…
A Jew and an Arab Selling Their Houses in Upper Nazareth, Israel
Short link to this story: https://www.quimka.net/43886 Unknown 19.04.2009 21:46 A non-political, non-racial, story about Jewish-Arab peaceful coexistence Two friends, an Arab and a Jew, had decided to build their (identical) houses adjacent to each other in Upper Nazareth. Some years later they had published (separately, but coordinated with each other) ads “for…
Falsifying of Criminal Charges Against Politicians in Israel
A short link to this article: https://www.quimka.net/43870 Simha Nyr, Adv. 28.02.2010 23:00 Would any sane police send an expedition of investigators to the other side of the globe, just for a kiss? Israel is a democracy. Sure. In Israel, like in any other democracy, freedom of speech is absolute. You may criticize and…
President Barack Obama, do you really wish to make peace in the Middle East?
President Barack Obama, do you really wish to make peace in the Middle East? Simha Nyr 20.09.2010 20:44 The name of the game is money Yes, it may cost a considerable sum of money to the American taxpayer, but much less than the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan or elsewhere, and no human sacrifice, of course…
Such stamps … we Israelis have also seen this movie
Such stamps … we Israelis have also seen this movie Simha Nyr, adv 03.05.2011 17:22 Not only in Vegas It may be the same everywhere that most important things are done without ample homework To this website’s page in FACEBOOK Give “LIKE” and be automatically updated To the author’s page in FACEBOOK Under the…
The Obama-Netanyahu meeting, May 2011: a remark
The Obama-Netanyahu meeting, May 2011: a remark Simha Nyr, adv. 03.10.2011 17:50 Here is my cellphone This is what I would have done, if I were Bibi Netanyahu. Simha Nyr’s Facebook page Quimka’s Website Facebook page The Obama-Netanyahu meeting, May 2011: a remark President Barack Obama said to his guest, prime minister Binyamin (“Bibi”)…
Israel and the Palestinians: It’s Very Easy to Blame Others!
Israel and the Palestinians: It’s Very Easy to Blame Others! Simha Nyr, adv. 03.10.2011 18:52 same conclusion, different reasons The Mid-East bazaar is like any other bazaar: every party to the negotiation wishes to get more, and give less Simha Nyr’s Facebook page Quimka’s Website Facebook page Under the title Middle East peace is…
Israel and the “Separation” Fence
Israel and the “Separation” Fence Simha Nyr, adv. 24.07.2009 18:02 Some issues concerning the Israeli West-Bank barrier, not all of them have been brought to public discussion, even in Israel itself Preface Israel and the Palestinians are, as known, in a state of war. The biggest danger to Israel in this war is the “suicide…
Tickets against the dead – in Miami-Dade County, Florida, and in Israel
Tickets against the dead – in Miami-Dade County, Florida, and in Israel Simha Nyr, Adv. 21.10.2011 19:45 ?Is the car to blame ?Who gets the ticket, the car, or the driver Tickets against the dead – in Miami-Dade County, and in Israel The Israeli Prime Minister, Itshak Rabin, assassinated on Nov. 4, 1995, got a…
This land is not for steal, that’s true
This land is not for steal, that’s true Simha Nyr, adv 03.01.2010 00:02 A comment on “This land is not for steal or sale or deal”, by Helen Freedman (Palm Beach Jewish Journal, December 23, 2009). Of course, every Israeli Jew dreams about a Greater Israel which is free of the Jewish-Arab dispute, maybe by…
A Letter from an Israeli Reservist
A Letter from an Israeli Reservist Aron Adler 23.11.2011 20:34 I don’t view my life as unusual Above and beyond the “typical” things for which we train, this year we were confronted by a new challenge Shalom, The letter below was sent to us by our son Aron who is doing IDF reserve duty on…
?Is Israel Doomed to Fight Forever or is Peace Possible
?Is Israel Doomed to Fight Forever or is Peace Possible Simha Nyr, Adv. 10.02.2010 04:08 Two men, one woman Remarks on a public non-conversation Under the above title, I was invited to a “conversation between Ambassador Dore Gold and Rabbi Joseph Telushkin” in West Palm Beach, but there was no “conversation” except a very poor…
SHARON BEN HAIM & ors vs. YAAKOV NEEMAN & ors SHARON BEN HAIM 16.03.2012 19:30 Yaakov Neemam (=faithful) to himself A civil claim against the Israeli authorities for supporting kidnapping to Israel of a little girl, a U.S. citizen whose domicile is in New Jersey, U.S. _____________________________________ SHARON BEN HAIM, SOL HAVIVI, IN THE…
Quimka’s Israeli Recipes
Quimka’s Israeli Recipes Simha Nyr, adv. 14.02.2010 18:15 Here you can find Ouimka’s Avocado Salad & Quimka’s Eggplant Slices *** other recipes – in the near future Quimka’s Israeli Recipes Here you can find Ouimka’s Avocado Salad & Quimka’s Eggplant Slices *** other recipes – in the near future Quimka’s Avocado Salad Take (in Israel…
Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan and the Yom Kippur War
Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan and the Yom Kippur War Simha Nyr, ad 27.08.2012 12:39 Following a remark about Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan and their responsibility for the Israeli disaster of the Yom Kippur War, I was asked for more explanations to this remark, and I give some brief ones here The Israeli Hubris The Six…
מלאימים קרקעות של קורבנות שואה
מלאימים קרקעות של קורבנות שואה שבתאי עזריאל 19.12.2005 05:53 קרקעות של קורבנות שואה חוייבו במיסים שנתיים, שנופחו באופן מלאכותי. כך, באופן שיטתי, מועברות קרקעות לרשות המדינה וכביכול הכל חוקי. מצמרר. מלאימים קרקעות של קורבנות שואה קרקעות של קורבנות שואה חוייבו במיסים שנתיים, שנופחו באופן מלאכותי. כך, באופן שיטתי, מועברות קרקעות לרשות המדינה וכביכול הכל…